Special Training In Okinawa is an amazing experience in which all serious students should participate. It involves traveling to the land where karate was born and living with a karate legend, our Grandmaster Shimabukuro Eizo. During the 2-week experience, he will cover all 24 katas, the moves behind the katas, as well as all of his jujutsu and kobudo sets. Students also eat most meals with him and hear many great stories and philosophies. In addition, the trip includes site seeing and relaxation (swimming in the local aqua colored ocean, going to the spa). It has transformed my life and the lives of others. It's a trip that must be experienced!
2004 Trip to Okinawa 2006 Trip to Okinawa 2007 Trip to Okinawa Trip to Okinawa by Tony K Sites in Okinawa For more information on Special Training with Grandmaster Shimabukuro Eizo and/or a guided tour of Okinawa's historical karate sites, as well as other site seeing and relaxation contact Sensei Darryl Baleshiski by phone at 860-628-1022, by email at info@nerendokan.com or fill in the form below. |