The History Of Karate

Tony Penna
1970 - Present

Tony Penna

Tony Penna has been studying Shorinryu Karatedo since 1980 and is a direct student of Grandmaster Eizo Shimabukuro. Having made several trips to Okinawa for continued study and hosting trips for his teacher to the United States, Penna Sensei has worked hard to understand the traditional teachings of Grandmaster Eizo Shimabukuro. With credentials in Shorinryu Karatedo, Toei-ryu Jujutsu and Kobudo, O'Sensei Shimabukuro has entrusted Penna Sensei with helping to preserve his lineage.

Penna Sensei has been one of my teachers since the early 1990s. It was his teaching ability that helped me overcome obstacles and shape my martial arts philosophies early in my training. Please visit his site Extreme Karate at