The History Of Karate

Robert S. Weinberg
1950 - Present

Robert S. Weinberg

Robert S. Weinberg, has been a Certified Instructor ("Shihan") of Shorin-ryu karate since 1973 and now holds a Ninth Degree Black Belt ("Kyudan/Hanshi") in Shorin-ryu karate and Fifth Degree Black Belt ("Godan") in Kobujitsu. Weinberg Sensei has been a student of martial arts for nearly fifty years. In 1972, after graduation from Wesleyan University, he travelled to Okinawa and studied with Grandmaster Eizo Shimabukuro as a deshi (special student) for a year. He has returned to Okinawa numerous times since then. In addition to Shorin-ryu Karate, Toei-ryu Jujutsu and traditional weaponry ("kobujutsu"), he has studied Japanese Judo, Kendo and collegiate wrestling. In addition to Grandmaster Shimabukuro, his teachers and mentors include Robert J. Inferrera (Shorin-ryu Karate), S. Kobayashi, Y. Matsumora and N. Higashi (Judo), Shinzo T. Kan (Kendo), and Sogen Sakiyama Roshi (Zen studies). Since 1974, Weinberg Sensei has been teaching in New York City.

Weinberg Sensei has been a great help and inspiration to my training, my school and my students. Please visit his site New York Rendokan at