Testimonials Home |
Zack F |
Cathrine M |
Denise S |
Susan C |
Shelly D |
Tony K |
Michelle P |
Leslie E |
Ricky R
...He has a great ability and
willingness to help both students and parents. He works well with the
students and has the ability to motivate them. ....
Shelly D
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This program has provided me with many great learning experiences, as well as many lessons that I will no doubt carry with me for the rest of my life.
Ricky R
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I like working with Sensei because he pushes me and I notice that I am getting better - and he makes me want to learn.
Zack F
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...Your classes are well organized, relevant and dynamic. I admire how you provide opportunity for participant
to learn leadership qualities. ...
Cathrine M
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...Since her start in the class I have noticed not only her skills improve, but confidence and strength. ...
Denise S
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...His teaching has had a significant impact on our family and certainly is helping our son prepare to become a grounded, strong, confident young man.
Susan C
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I have been studying Shorin-Ryu Karate with Sensei Baleshiski for almost 5 years.
It's difficult to express in words the positive impact that this experience has had on me....
Tony KRead testimonial
New England Rendokan has been in our lives for many years, teaching my children not only karate techniques, but also how to live day by day....
Michelle P
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...I like the discipline Sensei Darryl has instilled in my son, including self control, and confidence....
Leslie E
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