Parent and Student Testimonials

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October 18, 2010

Karate has given my family an amazing opportunity. My son started classes with Sensei Darryl just over a year ago and I cannot believe the physical, psychological, and emotional growth. Not only is he physically stronger and more flexible, but he has developed his self-esteem showing greater confidence in himself and his abilities both inside and outside of class.

Sensei's methods and teaching techniques focus on the individual while simultaneously emphasizing respect for others. Sensei communicates with his students giving them valuable life lessons as they learn to discipline their minds and bodies with each new kata. I have watched my son's transformation from a child who was easily distracted and could barely focus on a task for five minutes to an eager student with goals and self-discipline. I am constantly amazed by his new abilities.

My husband originally began studying with Sensei Darryl to encourage our son and get some exercise. Michael was never athletic and also lacked a certain amount of self-discipline. I have noticed dramatic changes in the last few months including better posture, grater flexibility, and a new emphasis on wellness. They practice together at home and discuss the practical applications of karate in our everyday lives. One can hardly pick up a magazine or newspaper without reading about a bullying incident or negative outcome of peer pressure. The greatest gift you can give your child is the knowledge and the confidence to be a unique individual, to have conviction, and to be able to defend him/herself in the event of an attack. Karate is helping to prepare young minds and bodies to overcome the challenges of adolescence and move into adulthood with dignity and self-esteem.

Achieving their yellow belts together as father and son was one of the most memorable and moving experiences of my life. This has been a bonding experience and I am truly grateful to Sensei Darryl for his encouragement and professionalism. His teaching has had a significant impact on our family and certainly is helping our son prepare to become a grounded, strong, confident young man.

-Susan C, Westbrook, CT, parent of 1 student age 5, spouse of 1 student age 34